Saturday, May 1, 2010

Local Honey

This year I have noticed that my daughter and I have had really bad allergies. I believe it is related to the tree pollen in the area around our house. Here are a couple of things that I have done to help us to overcome the itchy eyes and sniffles this year.
1. I got saline drops to put in our eyes 2-3 times a day. This helped alleviate the itchy eyes
2. At night we used breath-right strips to help open our nose and allow us to get a good nights sleep.
3. We bought some honey from a local bee keeper. Local honey is great for helping build up an immunity to pollen and allergens in the area. Another thing we are going to do is go back to the bee keeper and getting some honeycomb to chew on. Even with local/natural honey if heated during the bottling process it may kill of some of the pollen but the honeycomb is not heated or processed and there for the pollen/allergens in the honeycomb are preserved.

One thing that we didn't do and should of done that would have helped is that shortly after the trees in the area started to bloom pollen was all over the cars. We took our time in washing our car to get the pollen off. in doing so some of the pollen got into the ventilation system in the car. Every time my daughter or I would be in the car for a long period of time our symptoms would come back. If we would have took the time to wash our car promptly we could have avoided some of the suffering.

1 comment:

  1. Standard Process Allerplex is safe for her in smaller doses and awesome! 3 tabs for an adult 3 times a day and you will NEVER have allergies. It is so awesome to witness the gaps in certain areas filled with proper nutritional supplementals! I had been on prescription allergy pills from 15 yrs old on.... no longer..this works and is GOOD for me!?!!
